Are you familiar with the Kao Attack brand of detergent powder? During the ‘Training for Intellectual Property Lawyer’ in Tokyo from 26.11.2018 to 12.12.2018, our Mr. Hafiz had the opportunity to attend a ‘Study Visit’ to Kao Corporation.
Here are some interesting facts about Kao Corporation:
- Has been established since 1887 by its ‘Founder’ named Tomiro Nagase.
- The first product is bath soap.
- Now offers a wide range of products and services such as face care products, hair care products, cosmetics, disposable diapers in more than 100 countries around the world.
- Has more than 33,560 workers.
- Acquire net profit accumulated (as at 31 Dec 2017) of 1,489.4 billion yen.
- Providing 56.7 billion yen for ‘R & D’.
These are also 10 interesting Intellectual Property (IP) facts about Kao Corporation:
- Has approximately 16,732 patented inventions.
- Has more than 9000 ‘Trademarks‘ registered in Japan.
- Has more than 11000 ‘Trademarks’ registered outside of Japan.
- Filing 300 to 500 ‘Trademark’ annually in Japan.
- Filing 600 – 800 Trademark applications per year outside of Japan.
- Have a Brand Legal Department which aims to among others is for them the name to be used as the ‘brand’ of a product.
- BLD will list about three candidates for use in one product before the product launches.
- Then, BLD will conduct Blackbox Investigation to filter which name is most appropriate for the product which includes’ trademark search ‘to ensure that the name you want to use has not been used by another entity and the use of the name does not violate local law in’ jurisdiction ‘desired.
- After the Blackbox investigation was completed, then the trademark application was filed and the product was launched and marketed.
- Among the well-known brands of Kao’s products are Biore, Sofina, Laurier, Merries, Attack, Essential and Magiclean.
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